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An energy dissipation model for wave resonance problems in a narrow gap formed by floating structures

  发布时间:2018-03-01  浏览次数:1462

  报告时间:2018年3月10日 下午15:00


       报告题目:An energy dissipation model for wave resonance problems in a narrow gap formed by floating structures




    报告人简介:Professor Cheng Liang received his Ph.D. degree in 1990 from the Department of Hydraulics Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. Upon completion of his Ph.D. degree, he worked in the department of Civil Engineering at the Gifu University, Japan for three years as a visiting scholar. Then, he worked in The University of Western Australia until now and as dean of department of civil and resource engineering between 2009 and 2012. From 2000 to 2003, he became a visiting professor of civil engineering department in Dalian University of Technology. Since 2013, he was appointed thousand talents program distinguished professor.

He has authored more than 40 SCI papers in the field of pipeline flushing. At present, it is mainly engaged in computational fluid dynamics simulation of vortex-induced vibration, sediment transport, seabed fluid-solid interaction and various industrial fluids in marine structures. He creatively established the first and the unique large O-tube laboratory.


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