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Fracture Control of Extremely Thick Welded Steel Plates Applied to the Deck Structure of Large Container Ships

  发布时间:2016-07-30  浏览次数:2715



题目:Fracture Control of Extremely Thick Welded Steel Plates Applied to the Deck Structure of Large Container Ships

报告人:Yoichi Sumi教授


    Y. Sumi was educated at Yokohama National University and at the University of Tokyo. His graduate degrees are from the University of Tokyo with a Doctor of Engineering in 1976. In1976, he joined the faculty at Yokohama National University and was a Professor of Systems Design for Ocean-Space (1993-2014). During the period he jointly served Director of Center for Oceanic Studies and Integrated Education (2007-2011), a member of University Council (2010-2012), and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering (2011-2013). He is presently a Professor Emeritus of Yokohama National University and Visiting Professor of the Open University of Japan. He has held visiting appointments at Northwestern University (1978-1980 and 1982), and at University of California, San Diego (1997). He is a former President of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (2009-2011). He investigated the cause of casualty of MS “Nakhodka” as a member of the national investigation committee in 1997, served the chairman of Committee on Large Container Ship Safety organized by Japanese government (2013-2015), and the SC member of ISSC (2003-2012). He served the chairman of the Japan Technical Committee of Lloyd’s Register (2004-2014), and he is presently the chairman of the Hull Panel of Class NK. His current research interests are fatigue crack management and fracture control of marine structures; strength and deformability of corroded steel plates in marine environment; and historical investigation on break-in-two accidents of ships.

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