主题:Fluid/Structure impact
报告人: Prof. G.X. Wu (吴国雄 教授)
吴国雄教授,本科毕业于上海交通大学船舶与海洋工程专业,在英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)获得博士学位,而后留在UCL任教科研,2000年至今为UCL教授。他现在是英国劳氏基金会(Lloyds Register Foundation)资助的UCL-上海交通大学-哈尔滨工程大学的深海技术联合研究中心主席。他的研究广泛涉及水动力学问题,已在国际高水平、高影响力的国际期刊发表学术论文数篇,包括《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》,《the Proceedings (and Philosophical Transactions) of Royal Society London》,《Physics of Fluids》等20余篇,以及《Journal of Fluids and Structures》,《Coastal Engineering》等80余篇。现为哈尔滨工程大学客座教授,每年在哈工程工作半年。
Fluid/structure impact occurs in many engineering applications. It is usually over a very short period of time, during which physical parameters change rapidly and very large pressure can be created. The present work is based on the velocity potential theory together with the boundary element method or integral hodograph method. The discussions mainly focus on the following problems: (1) vertical water entry of a single and twin wedges, (2) oblique entry of an asymmetric wedge, (3) vertical water entry of a wedge in free fall motion, (4) oblique entry of a wedge in free fall motion in three degrees of freedom, (5) water entry of an elastic wedge, (6) liquid column or droplet impact on a wall, (7) liquid block impact on a solid wedge (8) collision of a liquid wedge and a solid wedge, (9) jet impact on a solid wall, (10) collision of two liquid wedges, (11) body gliding along a free surface, (12) vertical water entry of a cone through free fall motion, (13) oblique entry of a cone, (14) oblique entry of non-axisymmetric bodies at varying speed, (15) oblique impact of a water cone on a solid wall, (16) oblique water entry of an expanding paraboloid, (17) oblique impact of 3D water column on a wall. (18) Slamming of OYSTER, a wave energy extraction device. Detailed results are provided for all these cases. Their physical implications and applications will be discussed.