论坛时间:2020年9月29日 15:30-19:00
15:30-15:45 Duanfeng Han(韩端锋), C.Guedes Soares: Welcome and Introduction
15:45-16:15 HEU Marine Hydrodynamics Group
Binbin Zhao: Research activities at the Marine Hydrodynamics Institute
16:15-16:45 UL CENTEC
Shan Wang: Assessment of slamming forces and responses
Sarat Mohapatra: Dynamics of nets and fish cages
16:45 -17:15 HEU Offshore Engineering Group
Wei Meng: Introduction of the Deepwater Engineering & Technology Research Center
17:15 -17:45 UL CENTEC
Sheng Xu: Mooring of deepwater platforms
Utkarsh Bhardwaj: Reliability of pipelines
17:45 -18:15 HEU Design and Manufacture group
Kuo Huang: Numerical simulations on pipe-laying and related operations
18:15 -18:45 UL CENTEC
Hamidreza Jafaryeganeh: Optimization methods in ship design
Mina Tadros: Simulation of propulsion systems for design optimization
18:45-19:00 C. Guedes Soares: Discussion and closing